Fraud Mgt Advanced - FMB213 | SecuRetain

Fraud Mgt Advanced - FMB213

List of Courses

  1. Fraud Management Part I - FR00101
  2. Fraud Management Part II - FR00102
  3. Fraud Management Part III - FR00103
  4. Fraud Management Part IV - FR00104
  5. Fraud Management Part V - FR00105
  6. Fraud Management Part VI A - FR00106


1. Awareness – Refer to Awareness Bundle 1

2. Awareness + – Refer to Awareness + Bundle 2

3. It is difficult to understand the state of mind of a fraudster when he commits fraud. The tool developed by Donald Cressy, an American Sociologist, and Criminologist, called the Fraud Triangle, is a framework commonly used in auditing to explain the motivation behind an individual's decision to commit fraud. In addition to the Fraud Triangle, the course explains the other fraud management tools: Fraud Diamond and Fraud 10-80-10 Rule. The course contains detailed knowledge of fraud classification categories, subcategories, fraud schemes, and methods used by perpetrators. The course is dedicated to enhancing knowledge about fraud schemes and fraud trees. 

4. The course Fraud Management Part VI A includes case studies to explain the fraud under each classification, category, subcategory, and fraud scheme within Fraud Tree. The elaborate examples of fraud and the knowledge of fraud prevention techniques for each fraud scheme provide the learner with very detailed knowledge to implement the fraud prevention programs. 



Price: 240
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